
Tuesday 1 August 2017


I declare this new day is a new beginning for me, as the sun rises ,God's light will shines on me and through me.This day is pregnant with purpose, promise, and potential. I speak that it is filled with wonderful surprises with supernatural breakthroughs and miracles. For every day shall be sweeter and sweeter as the day before. I decree and declare this moment is my defining moment marking the ending of a sad history, a depressing history, a discouraging history, and the beginning of a prosperous, debt free, disease free, depression free destiny.
This day I walk in consciousness of the blessing of Abraham upon my life and I rejoice because concerning me, the blessing has been deposited and is operational now. The blessing is working in and around me now. My increase is on schedule and my breakthrough is happening now. As I speak, unusual doors are opening for me now /.
I declare that I will forever live under an open heaven. I receive strategies for prosperous and successful living. I affirm that my mind is filled with wisdom and knowledge of the true identify that I have received from the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I announce a new season over my life and I declare that no evil pattern will be duplicated in my life in the name of Jesus. I reject repeated failure at the edge of miracle and I decree that my harvest will no longer be stolen in the name of Jesus.
I overcome every factor behind stagnation, non-achievement, and lack of visible progress in any area of my life by the blood of Jesus. I declare that my light shines more and more unto a perfect day in the name of Jesus
I decree that I am empowered to accomplish that which I was born to do, that I will become all that I was born to be. That my mission is clear, my vision is unobstructed, that my intentions are pure, that my motivation is solid, that my relationships are healthy, that you God shall supply all my need according to Hid riches and glory, that I will make my mark, that I will leave a legacy for the next generation, that I will live in a prosperous, healthy environment, that I will prosper in everything I touch ,that my life, my family, my friends will be blessed with all goods things that joy, peace, prosperity, and success are as abundant as the stars at night, that friendship, favor, affluence, influence, happiness, support, beauty, purpose, and direction along with abundant living are my constant companions, that I am unconditionally loved, celebrated, revered, appreciated and honored beyond measure and all human comprehension.
Thank you Lord for the miraculous supply of my every need according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
I praise you and glorify your Holy Name for all that you have done and what you are doing in my life this day.


  1. Thank you for this prayer. I pray it nearly every morning. I appreciate your website so much! May God bless you.

  2. Thank you Apostle Mabrig of all your very Powerful prayers we are very grateful and blessed.Thank you for helping us to pray.May you and your family be abundantly BLESSED at all times
