
Friday 28 July 2017


I am joined to Christ. Christ is formed within me, and I am clothed with Christ. I am saturated with Christ, through and through.
Christ lives in me; He’s my righteousness, my glory, and my beauty
I have been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. I stand holy and blameless before God in love.
I have received God’s divine nature within me
I’m not ordinary. I’m more than a man. I live out the supernatural life naturally, demonstrating the glory, wisdom and excellence of divinity
 I’m joined to the Lord, and have become inseparable with Him,
bearing fruits of His righteousness that’s inherent in my spirit.
  I’m a God-carrying vessel, a conveyor of eternal verities; I can do all
Christ  in  me  is my hope for a healthy, prosperous, vibrant and successful life! God has made me His operational headquarters;
therefore, I have confidence that I’ll never be defeated in life. I have  no frustration; no lack; no failure, but excellence and glory all the way!
The nature of Christ in me  makes me invincible and triumphant! I’m healthy, strong, excellent and vibrant! I manifest the character of Christ to my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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