
Sunday 23 July 2017


The midnight is a phase of intense spiritual activities both by the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.
If you must have power over the activities around you and dismantle satanic ordinances in your life, then you must learn to wake up at midnight to fight against the powers of darkness.
Midnight (or hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am) is known to be the most spiritual active period of the day. That is when dreams, revelations, attacks, visitations from the spirit world (both by angels and demonic powers) often come , especially when you are sleeping.

This is because human beings are easily overwhelmed while asleep. Naturally, the body is always weak at this time. And this makes it vulnerable to any spiritual manipulation
We are also aware that the most dangerous satanic sacrifices and wicked ordinances are usually done in the midnight.
Dream manipulations are done in the midnight
People who look innocent, honorable and decent in the day get involved in some demonic activities in the night..
The devil mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows while their victim is asleep. And by the time the person wakes up, he/she will see everything going wrong.

There are levels of result you can attain in the spirit praying in the midnight. There are levels of revelations you can get with prolonged midnight prayers. And there are also satanic entities, thrones and chains you can dismantle through prolonged midnight prayers
From the Bible and through ages, the prayers done around this particular time have always brought tremendous and unprecedented results. As a Christian, it is very important that sometimes in you pray in the midnight
Job 36:20” Job said: “Do not long for the cover of night, for that is when people will be destroyed (people are cut off in their place)”. Psalms 91:5’ The Psalmist calls it “the terrors of the night”, Matthew 13:25’ Then Jesus said that night is the time when the enemy comes to sow tares. Psalms 119:62 David said, “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee…” As a prophet, David knew the importance of Midnight prayer.

But at midnight..” Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns of praise un

to the Lord…..” Acts 16:25 and an angel of the Lord freed them.
There is saving power at midnight brethren.
Samson in Judges 16:3 “…..lay until midnight, rose and uprooted the doors of the gates of the city…”

Remember the bridegroom shall come at midnight Mathew 25:6 and we should be found in control of the situation.
I want you to imitate great people of God… who pulled down demonic kingdom administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, overthrow and overcome evil thrones, through midnight prayers
You can uproot the kingdom of the devil with prayer.
I decree that agents of darkness will lose hold tonight when you shall pray.
Use the night prayers to destroy the works of the devil

1 comment:

  1. Good one. Thanks for sharing. Looking for more of this, i totally agreed with you.
