
Thursday 6 December 2018

Confessions of Faith (3)

I am a world changer and a world overcomer in Christ. I have overcome the world and its systems and its economies and its god, Satan. I have overcome the world and its frustrations, pains, its darkness, persecutions and wickedness. I live above this world. Christ is in me and I know I have eternal life. I live and operate by the faith of the Son of God, Christ Jesus my Lord forever, that faith never fails.
I know therefore that I have overcome this world and all its negativities.  Why should I be quiet? Father God, You gave me Your Word so that I can boldly proclaim it in faith. I recreate my world by Your Word in my heart and in my mouth. Father, You said it, that I may boldly say it. What can man do to me? When I speak Your Word, it is You speaking by Your Spirit through me. Your Word can never fail. It must produce the fruits of what it talks about. If I don't say it, my spirit cannot take a hold of it, to produce for me what it talks about. Your Holy Spirit, mingled with my spirit, acts on Your Word that I speak, and I get the fruits of what I say by the Spirit. Grace and peace are in multiplication in my life and ministry.
`This is through my complete, exact, and perfect (epignosis) knowledge of You, my Father and of my Lord Jesus Christ; it is through the Holy Spirit, according as His divine power has given unto me.
I know that the Spirit of the LORD is upon me! He helps me with power to do supernatural things. He is functioning through me, even now as I speak. His anointing is in me and is upon me and the Holy Spirit ministers by His power and anointing through me. The Spirit of God, in His full manifestation, is working all over the world. He is working in and through me and in and through every other true believer in Christ Jesus.
 I am in full cooperation with Him and He is doing great things with and through me. I am in Him and He is in me today and forever! He empowers me. I am clothed with His supernatural power to preach, teach, and demonstrate the power of Your Word to my world. He impregnates my words with power to save, heal, and to deliver those who hear Him through me. My words give life to my hearers by the Spirit of the Lord upon me.

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