
Friday 17 April 2020

Say These Prayers And Watch The Armies of Heaven Fight Your Battles

Lord, let the armies of heaven ascend and descend upon my life,for it is written of me in Ps.91:11that You have given Your angels charge over me to deliver me in the name of Jesus . Father let the armies of heaven fight and deliver me from the hands of oppressors and let my oppressors be broken into pieces in Jesus name.

In name of Jesus I stand upon (Psa. 35:5, 6) and declare that an angel of the Lord chases and persecutes my enemies in the name of Jesus.

Father,let the armies of heaven fight this invicible war.. Let the angels fight for me in the spirit realm against enemies of my life, enemies of my success and progress. Let the armies of heaven fight against principalities and powers in the name of Jesus (Dan. 10:13)

Lord, I invoke the armies of heaven to deliver me from the hands of my enemies. Let the armies of heaven prosecute my enemies.

Let the armies of heaven pull down every demonic walls standing against my breakthrough.

Let the armies of heaven go before me to make the crooked places straight in the name of Jesus (Isa. 63:9; Zech.12:8)

Let the mountains against my success be levelled in Jesus name.

Let the valley places in my life be filled up in Jesus name.

Let every crooked places in my life be made straight in Jesus name.

Let everything that is planted by the devil in my life be uprooted by the armies of heaven.

LORD, thank You for sending Your angels to fight the battles o cannot fight. Let the armies of heaven mnister to me and before me to prosper my way in the name of Jesus (Matt.4:11; Exod. 33:2)

Mabrig Korie

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