
Friday 17 April 2020

You Will Provoke Your Angels To Open Divine Doors For You After Saying These Prayers

 I summon Angels of the most High God open every door shut against fruitfulness in my life.

I summon Angels of the most High God open every door shut against my divine strategic relationships

I summon Angels of the most High to open up the gates of blessings and let the King of glory come into my life and usher me into the realms of abudance

 Let every door of goodness and greatness be lifted and let the King of glory visit me today. With goodness mercy and greatness

Let my Angels lead me to possess my land of promise and opportunities.

 Let my Angels break every gates/doors blocking my Promised Land

 Let the demonic walls fall down flat in the name of Jesus.

 Let the giant occupying my land of promises and opportunity be broken into pieces

 Let my Angels lead me to my inheritances today, and let this land favor me & my household in Jesus Name.

Mabrig Korie

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