
Friday 22 May 2020

Say These Prayers Now To Recieve Instant Money Miracles

Mabrig Korie

Prayers  about money miracle can help you focus your mind on  how to receive instant financial blessings, and inspire you to act and do something about having more money. These prayers also help you become more aware of opportunities that God may bring your ways after praying.
You might discover that after praying a fresh idea on how to make money or a new opportunity may  just pop into your mind or come your way. Don't expect God to throw down money from heaven but he may cause someone to bless you financially. You are praying for financial miracle because at this moment , there is nothing you can do except to rely on God your maker to make a way. As you pray remember all things is possible with God who delights in blessing his children. So as you pray have faith and you will receive.

1. Father in heaven, I have come to you to receive my miracle money today.
2. Lord, I laid down my burdens unto your feet. I surrender my entire financial burdens  before you my God.
3. Father God, I need financial miracle right now. I need to pay my debts,pay my bills and take care of my family.
4. Father God, I have so much family  needs and I do not know whom to turn to except you. Please, God, I'm asking that you send  me human angels who will assist me financially this season in Jesus name.
5. I pray that  your glorious  financial miracle befall me so that I will have enough to care for my family and pay off all my  bills/debts in Jesus name.
6. Father God, let me recieve financial abundance . I depend on you to solve my financial needs and I promise to use the money always to meet the needs of my family, my friends and those in financial needs.
7. Father break every chain of poverty, lack and scarcity in my life in Jesus name.
8. Father I know that nothing is impossible with you and it is your desire to bless your children, I am trusting you to solve my financial needs.
9. Father open the gates and windows of  heaven to pour out your abundance for me. I ask to be released from chains of indebtedness, poverty and lack quickly in Jesus name.
10. Father I pray for the  blessings that only you can give. I pray for financial  blessings that comes direct from your throne.
11. Father send someone to bless me financially.
12. Father give me idea to generate money speedly.
13. Father God open the doors of  favour and opportunities’ that would give me instant financial blessings.
14. Father let financial blessings flow  into my life right now in Jesus name.
15. Let channels of financial blessings open for me morning and night.
16. Father, let the Holy Spirit give me  great practical ideas for making money.
17. Father I feel joy, knowing  I'm receiving my financial miracle.
18. I will enjoy the abundance of heavenly blessings. Yes I'm connected to the flow of heavens, to the ocean of infinite abundance.
19. I am receiving money into my bank account in Jesus name. I am receiving the abundances of heaven, great financial doors opportunities and channels are opening for me.
20. I'm blessed financially in Jesus name.

To help your friends who are struggling with their financial needs limitations, please share this article with them so that they can be blessed as well.
God bless you.

Please Support Our Ministry
Dear Brethren, You can now sow a seed of financial blessings into this Ministry
Please make your financial commitment through this account details;
Bank: Access Bank.
Account Number:0033328158
Account Name: Korie Mabrig David
Location: Enugu, Nigeria.
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