
Showing posts with label DAILY PRAYER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAILY PRAYER. Show all posts

Wednesday 31 December 2014



 Phil 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
 Ps 16:8: “I have set the LORD always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
O lord let my prayer meet you this morning.
 I  prophesy the will of God for my life this day
 I declare that God’s Agenda is My Agenda
Every demonic  Agenda  is destroyed
I declare  that  I have dominion over Gods Creation
 I take authority over this day in the name of Jesus. I decree that this day all the elements  of creation will cooperate with me. I decree that the elemental forces should refuse to cooperate with my enemies. In Jesus name
 Today, I speak unto the sun, the moon and the stars, they must not smite me. I pull down every negative energy planning to operate against my life today. In Jesus Name
 This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I dismantle any power uttering incantations to capture the day.
 I render such incantations and satanic prayer null and void. I retrieve the day from the hands  of evil ones  in the name of Jesus. Spirit of favor, counsel, might and power come upon me in the name of Jesus. I shall excel this day and nothing shall defile me. I shall possess the gates of my enemies.  In Jessus Name
 The Lord shall anoint me with the oil of gladness above others. The fire of the enemy shall not burn me. My ears shall hear good news, I shall not hear the voice of the enemy. My future is secure in Christ, in the name of Jesus.
God has created me to do certain definite services. He has committed into my hands some assignments which He has not committed to anyone else. He has not created me for nothing. I shall do good. I shall do His work.

 The anointing of God upon my life gives me favor in the eyes of God and men and women all the days of my life. I shall not labor in vain.
 I shall walk everyday in victory and liberty of the spirit. I receive the mouth and the wisdom which my adversaries are not able to resist, in Jesus’ name.
I arise by the power of the Holy Spirit and I claim 24 hour miracles today in Jesus name.
 O Lord, hide me, and my loved ones under the shadow of your wings today (mention your loved ones by name).
 O Lord, breathe your fragrance on me and give me favor today in Jesus’ name.
 O Lord, show me your glory and promote me in a new way today in Jesus’ name.
 O Lord, let the eagle in me come alive today and begin to fly in Jesus’ name.
 O Lord, purify my lips with your holy fire.
 O Lord, make me like a tree planted by the rivers of water today.
 Holy Spirit, anoint the words that I shall speak today with your holy fire in the name of Jesus.
 I draw upon heavenly resources today in the name of Jesus.
 O Lord, transform my talents into means of bringing joy to others today in Jesus name.
 I surrender myself completely in every area of my life in the name of Jesus.
 Lord, encircle my family (call them by name) with your wall of fire today, in Jesus’ name.
 O Lord, let your angels encamp round about me at work today in Jesus name.
 Connect me, O Lord, with the storehouse of your abundance today in Jesus’ name.
 Lord, open my eyes to see how great you are in the name of Jesus.
 I declare that the Lord has put satan and his wicked spirits under my feet in the name of Jesus.
 I claim the victory of the cross for my life today in Jesus name.
 I put off all forms of weakness in the name of Jesus.
Every wicked spirit planning to rob me of the will of God, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
 I tear down the stronghold of satan against my life in the name of Jesus.
 Holy Spirit, bring all the work of resurrection and Pentecost into my life today in the name of Jesus.
 I bind  and rebuke every power cursing my destiny in Jesus name.
 I strike evil powers stealing my blessings with chaos and confusion in the name of Jesus.
 I nullify the incantations of evil spiritual consultants in Jesus’ name.
 I render every local satanic weapon harmless in the name of Jesus.
 I receive deliverance from the spirit of anxiety in Jesus’ name.
 I bind every spirit of mental stagnation in the name of Jesus.
 I release myself from the power and authority of any curse in the name of Jesus.
 I renounce any unholy covenants involving my life in Jesus’ name.
 Every power cursing my destiny, be silenced in the name of Jesus.
 I break the power of any incense burnt against me, in Jesus name.
Every evil contract working against my life, be overwritten by the blood of Jesus.
 I reverse every satanic calendar for my life, in the name of Jesus.
I bind every negative energy in the air, water and ground working against me, in the name of Jesus.
 Anything that has been assigned to hinder my progress, I single you out and I bind you right now in Jesus’ name.
 I announce that my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, in the name of Jesus.
I decree  and declare  that the evils of today shall not be  my  portion in Jesus name
I decree  and declare   that evil has no control over my life.
I command the earth: get in place and receive heavenly instructions on  your  behalf.
 I decree and declare   that  angels are descending and ascending according to the words that I speak.
Whatever I bind or loose on earth is already bound or loosed in heaven
I declare that the Kingdom has come and the will of God will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
 I command all the elements of creation: take heed and obey my instructions
I decree and declare that the plans and purpose of God over my life prevails.
I prophesy the will of God to the morning so that the dayspring (dawn) will know its place in your days.
  I command the dew of heavens to bless   me   today in Jesus name

Lord, I thank you for the victory in Jesus’ name.