
Showing posts with label Power for the gift of healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power for the gift of healing. Show all posts

Friday 7 February 2014

Prayer for Calling Down The power of God,Continued(part 2)

 Oh Lord  release  your power against all principalities, powers of the air, wickedness in high places, powers, thrones, dominions, world ruler ,in  Jesus Name.

Oh Lord  release  your power against witchcraft control, perversion and intimidation,
Oh Lord  release  your power  and destroy    the power of every infirmity, illness, sickness, disease, disorder, plague, pestilence, cancer, emotional and mental woundness, infection, virus, in Jesus Name.

Oh Lord  release  your power against  every poisonous arrow that has been launched   against me and  my family , I render it null, void, ineffective, powerless, and useless, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Oh Lord  release  your power against all canker worms, palmerworm, caterpillar, and locusts that has eaten away at the blessings of God, in the name of Jesus.

I speak confusion to the ranks of the enemy, and declare their assignments against me,my family,my church,my ministry and possessions are hereby rendered null and void.

 Oh Lord release your power  to  disgrace and defeat every power contesting my elevation and celebration, in the name of Jesus.
Any power restricting my life to the valley, be cast out  in the name of Jesus.
 Father, release your power to strike through every camp of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
 Father, release your power   and put every demonic presence to shame, in the name of Jesus.
Let Your Holy Spirit flood our souls and our heart and our minds, in Jesus Name. Be our Cloud by day and our Fire by night. Send forth Your Refinder's Fire and burn up everything that is not of You; let our hearts be pure and holy before You, in Jesus Name.


Let the power of God flow through us to the world and be glorified in all that we say and do, in Jesus Name. Amen and amen.

Lord, let the Fire fall, let Your Wind blow, and let the glory come down and saturate is in this place.

Let the flames of revival flow through our lips and touch the hearts of those around us, impacting lives, making a difference in the lives of countless others. Lord, let the power of God fall on the hearts and minds of Your people. Lord, Your throne is like a fiery flame.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Prayer for Calling Down The power of God

Father Lord, release  your  power upon my life, release the gift of healing, gift of miracles and signs and wonders upon me.

Father I ask for demonstration of your spirit and power upon my life

Let the mark of the blood of the Lamb and resurrection power  be on open display in my life

Father use me to manifest  your power and your authority  on earth

O Lord, release your angels of power to surround me  in the name of Jesus. 

Oh lord  let your angels ascend and descend according  to words I speak

Lord, release Your glorious power against the enemy (Exodus 15:6).

Let power and might be released from Your hand (1 Chronicles 29:12).

Let the power of Your anger be released against the powers of darkness (Psalm 90:11).

O Lord let your promises be fulfilled in my life

Let Your  power  be in my hands to heal the sick and cast out devils

Scatter the enemy by Your power (Psalm 59:11).


I release the power and authority of the Lord  Jesus Christ against the power of darkness

 By the authority in name of Jesus I command every power of darkness submit to Your power ,oh lord,

Let signs, wonders, and miracles be released through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:19).

Let me preach and teach with demonstration of the Spirit and power (1 Corinthians 2:4).

Lord. Let Your power  rain fall, and water the spiritual ground around and beneath me, that I would yield forth increase and multiplication

Lord let earth open its mouth and swallow the power of your enemies
Therefore  we  command the stars into war; O heavens fight for us, in the name of Jesus!
You are holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come

 Lord  open the floodgates of heaven,

 I decree, declare, proclaim that the doors of heavenly treasures are open permanently to me in Jesus Name. I claim perpetual open heaven over my life, my family, my ministry,workplace and everything I do.

I cancel, reverse, neutralize, veto and counter any demonic decrees, spells, ordinances, enchantment, plans, ploy, plot and pronouncements against my open doors.

 I declare and decree that my open door blessings, divine favors, and open heaven remain permanent in Jesus Name.

I shatter, scatter and set ablaze by the Holy Ghost fire every satanic doors, brass doors, cursed ancestral doors, iron and limitation doors, closed against my progress and my family.

I thank You for signs and wonders, miraculous power, prophecy, healing, salvation, restoration, refreshing, provision, and RELEASE!

 Thank You for breathing on me afresh--and renewing my hope. I thank You for Your heavenly hosts of protection flanking my path as I work in partnership with You. Tear open the heavens, Lord.

INVADE MY WORLD with Your reality and with Your Kingdom! Inflame my heart with Your desire, that Your Glory would continue to manifest in my earthly surroundings in an even greater measure.

In Jesus Name,Amen.