
Showing posts with label Prayers to provoke angels to provide for you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayers to provoke angels to provide for you. Show all posts

Friday 17 April 2020

8 Powerful Prayers to Activate Your Angels Provide For You

The Bibles described God as the "Lord of Hosts." This refers to the "Lord of Armies," (Haggai 2:4-9; Malachi 3:17; Isaiah 44:6; Psalm 59:5) implying that God in heaven has legions and legions of armies at His disposal, these armies are called Angels.

Angels are all around us, there are spirit beings and some are in human form. Even if we don't understand every thing about angels, one is thing is clear according to the bible,Angels are ministering spirits.

Sometimes an angel will appear as a human because the angel wants to meet your needs. for an example a good Samaritan who assists you financially when you are broke is an Angel. As a child of God, it is your divine right to receive the ministrations of Angels at every stage of your life. God created angels to ministers to the needs of children of God, the Bible declared in (Hebrews 1:14) that Angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation.

In Psalm 91:11 it is written t "For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways" To take charge over some one,is to provide for the persons need. These needs include, protections and well as provision of basic necessities of life like food. You might not see an Angel physically providing for you but angels can minister to someone to provide your needs. In Hebrews 13:2, it is written “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares" From this scripture,I believe that there are many Angels here on Earth and that God has put them here to assist us, help us in times of need, they can also provide financial assistance.There any many Earth Angels among us that are here to help, guide and assist others through life

I want to assure you that God is a God of miracle and he still provides to those who trust him. If God Can provide for Elijah using his Angel then he can still provide for you with the assistance of Angelic beings.

In 1 Kings, chapter 19, the Bible reports that prophet Elijah was overwhelmed by the problems he was facing, when he couldn't stand it any longer he asked God to let him die to escape the unpleasant circumstance. He then falls asleep under a tree. The bible recorded that while he was asleep the angel of the Lord appeared and said to him "Get up and eat," and Elijah noticed that an Angels had just miraculously provided for him the food to eat.

As you worked through your Scripture reading, you will be amazed by this powerful and wonderful confirmation of God's fatherly care to his children. Then you will realize that you don't have any choice than to depend on God in times of desperate needs.


1.     Lord, I call out to you for help, I ask you to provide for  my daily needs and that of my family members, I ask that you send you angels to ministers to us financially in Jesus Name.

2.     Angels of the Most High God I need your assistance in my life right now. I need a miraculous supply of my daily needs. It is written that Angels are created to ministers unto me according to my needs.

3.     I need financial assistance, I need the provision of necessities of life. Supply my provisions in Jesus Name.

4.     Angels of divine providence, I invoke you to provide for my daily needs in Jesus Name.

5.     Angels of divine providence, I summon you to provide my financial needs right now, in Jesus Name

6.     Angels of prosperity and abundance, I call on you to open the doors of infinite abundance, in Jesus Name

7.     Father in the book 1 Kings, chapter 19 you miraculously provided food for Elijah the prophet through your Angels. Lord, I ask you to send your angels to provide for me miraculously in Jesus Name

8.     Let my supplies be endless, inexhaustible and immediate in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

As you continue to trust and depend on God, he shall supply all your needs in Jesus Name.

Mabrig Korie