
Showing posts with label Prayers against evil attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayers against evil attack. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Prayers against evil attack

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,  I  bind  the  strongman ,the witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer, and all other powers of darkness  attacking  me.
Through the blood of Jesus, I destroy their powers  and influence  over me  and my household
 I release  the  fire  of  God  and  the  blood  of  Jesus  to destroy  and ,cut of their  source of  strength
I destroy their evil helpers and stripped off their powers and influence against me
 I release the  fire  of God and  the blood of  Jesus Christ  against their  spirit  guides
. Let the  angels  of the most high  God, the  fire of the Holy Spirit pursue  and overtake  the enemy  forces  fighting me in Jesus Name.
I release the  fire  of God and  the blood of  Jesus Christ  against every demon spirit that has been sent to counter attack  me or anyone praying  this prayer.
Through the blood of the Lord Jesus and in the name of Jesus  I silence  you   spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, all your influences are destroyed in the name of Jesus!
Through the blood of the Lord Jesus and in the name of Jesus ,  I unmask,  paralyze  and  break  your powers  over  me
I come against the spirit of confusion and spiritual blindness
Satan and all demons, I silence you in the name of Jesus, binding all your interference.  You will not interfere with  my decisions, visions  and my God given destiny.
 In the name of Jesus,I bind and cast out   the  spirit  of hate and fear  and all your co-spirits,    I forbid you to operate against me
  I decree and declare that the destroyer cannot come into my life , family  or anything that belongs to in the name of Jesus
I clothe myself with God’s armour and take up the weapons of my warfare that are not carnal, but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds
I break the power of witchcraft’s deception, evil conspiracy ,jealousy  and evil rumors spread against me.
 Let every  attack return to sender now in Jesus name.
I bind and frustrate all evil forces working against  me ,my family  and anyone praying this prayer in Jesus name.
All powers of darkness hunting my life, return  back  to  sender with the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
 In name of Jesus ,let every evil association sent to attack  me be  frustrated forever
 Let all satanic conspiracies  designed to hurt me and my family backfire in Jesus name.
 Let all instruments of failure fashioned against my life backfire in Jesus name.
Let every evil monitoring   and manipulating  spirits life receive the fire of God
 Let them be consumed by their mischief in the name of Jesus.
Every satanic arrow of defeat and failure   again at me  backfire in Jesus name.
Every satanic arrow of poverty and disgrace backfire  in Jesus name.
I   decree and declare that my  life  is hidden in Christ and that every affliction  in my life has stopped permanently in Jesus name.
Thank You Father for answered prayers in the name of Jesus