
Showing posts with label Prayers for your children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayers for your children. Show all posts

Thursday 20 June 2019

Prayers for Your Children

Prayers for Your Children by [Korie, Mabrig]

Children are an amazing gift &-blessing from God. On a regular basis, we may find ourselves doing a lot for our children loving, caring, nurturing, teaching, training, helping, leading, equipping, encouraging, protecting,providing and so much more for our kids. However in the midst of all these.We should be praying specific, powerful, promise-filled, hope-inspired prayers.
There’s a reason why we should be praying for our children even while they’re still in the womb: We understand that we’re in a war. (Ephesians 6:12) and satan knows that attacks on our children are very  powerful. He knows that if he can surround our kids with bad influences,distracts, confuses them, grab their hearts and establish falsehood in their mind from the earliest age he would watch them fall. Brethren,we have an enemy whose mission is to actively plot to hurt our children. However, the good news is that God promised in his word that nothing, can thwart His good plans for our children. No plan from the enemy can snatch our kids out of God’s awesome covering. And speaking of our enemy, we read in Revelation 20 that he has already lost the war. Amen
Our duty as parents is to remind God of his promises,enforce Gods will through prayers,rebuke the devil and intercede for our seeds..As Christians, our job as parents is to fight the good fight of faith… these great battles for our children’s hearts are fought in prayer as we use the sword of the spirit…the word of God to claim victory,cast down vain imaginations, break down the foothold and strongholds of the enemy.As parents we cannot always be there for our children to look after and support. We cannot always be physically present so it is important to always commit our children in the hands of God through prayers.
Through prayer we put all of our trust and faith in God to guide,protect and look after them when we may not be physically present to help them. When we pray for our children,we are reminding God that he is our provider, our protector, our comforter, our Lord and savior, our heavenly father. He is always there for us, and will hear and answer our prayers in His perfect timing(1 John 5:14-15).(Proverbs 3:5). it is a proof  that we are not worried or fearful of what becomes our seed
It is written. “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to His Will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him”We’re supposed to be praying for our kids according to the will of God. It is the will of God for our children  to know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and He came to this world to be the perfect sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins, and that whoever believes on Him, shall receive the free gift of salvation, eternal life with Him in ;it is the will of God for our children to be safe and protected from the onslaught of the enemy,from the lies,deception,traps, and destruction that is prevalent in a stained,corrupt,deadly and volatile world;it is the will of God for our children to live a productive,healthy and prosperous life.; It is the will of God for our children to be successful in their educational pursuit,business,careers, marriages,etc). We want our children to follow Him, and do His Will, to obey Him and please Him.  It is highly needful to pray for guidance and direction as parents, to raise our children in the fear of God, with the bible as the foundation to ensure that our children grow up in a strong Christian home, with faith in Jesus, and obedience to God, in the strongest way possible so that they will not be led astray by the corruption that is the world (Proverbs 22:6).
Praying for our children helps us to focus on what is truly important in their lives. Living in a materialistic, stained,corrupt and volatile world often directs our thinking toward earthly goals for our children. Regular, fervent prayer focuses our thoughts on what is truly the will of God
As we focus our prayers on the word of God, our goals for our children are more in line with God’s plans and purpose for our children
Praying for our children helps us as parents to find comfort and reassurance that God is always there for us, especially our children, no matter what. For it is written, the children of God will never be plucked out of God’s hand “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28).These scriptures give us hope and reassurance that God will always protect,provide and care for our children.
Remember, our children they belong to God. With that in mind, it becomes clear that we should seek His will through prayer on all that concerns the lives of our children.I challenge you as a parent to bring every concern,worries,fears,needs,protection,guidance,provision, dream, and desire about your child to God in fervent, persistent prayer. (Luke 18:1)

Warfare Prayers And Prophetic Declarations Over Your Children 1

I plead the Blood of Jesus over any sins committed by my children knowingly or unknowingly.

I cancel through the Blood of Jesus any satanic covenants, agreements, exchanges, vows or transactions made over their lives, bodies, souls and circumstances.

I declare that my children are redeemed from the hand of the devil by the Blood of Jesus. I declare that all satanic thrones, altars, dominions, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness and all satanic works have no power or authority over my children.
I declare that satanic harassment and intimidation has no effect on any of my children in Jesus Name.

I decree and command that every planting of the enemy shall be pulled out of  their lives .
I arrest all satanic projections, fiery darts, arrows, witchcraft activities and soulish prayers against my children.

I declare by the blood of Jesus that the enemy is permanently denied access into the lives and destinies of my children.

I declare that my children are maintaining their position, they are seated with Jesus in heavenly places and the devil is under their feet.
I declare that my children shall walk in dominion, power, and God's prophetic purpose from now onward in Jesus Name.

I command every satanic entrapment against my children to be exposed, decoded and destroyed through the Blood of Jesus.

I command every legality, technicality, ordinance and judgment issued against my children in the realms of the spirit be overturned.
I command an injunction and restraining order be issued and enforced against all  future attempt or acts of oppression,suppression, injustice and harassment against my seed( Colossians 2:14 ).

I affirm and proclaim that my children have overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony

They shall triumph over every circumstances and overcome every enemy

I declare that the blood of Jesus is activated to speak innocence for my seeds
I silence every accusation against my children whether it is true or false
By the power of of the Holy Ghost I locate, arrest and bind every power operating behind the scenes. (Revelation 12:11) against my seed

In the Name of Jesus, I command every strong man operating in the  lives of my children to be stripped of their authority and assignments

I command the strongman operating against my seeds be bound and all of their weapons destroyed in the name of Jesus.

I command that the ground troops of satan, persons without bodies and human vessels operating against my children be captured, stripped of their power, desensitized and permanently disorganized in Jesus Name

Prayers for Your Children by [Korie, Mabrig]