
Showing posts with label entering your promise land. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entering your promise land. Show all posts

Friday 2 January 2015

Prayer to recieves the promises of God

. God would give you a cause to celebrate in this season“God will visit you in the  in his seaon. Every¬thing holding you down, the Lord will break it. You will step into your Promised Land,” “Things will turn around in your life. However, remember:- What You See Is What You Become
The promised land has both grapes and giants– the one you look at longest becomes strongest in your life.
When the Israelite came out of Egypt, they sent out spies to search out the land which God had promised them to ascertain whether all the good things they had heard about the land were really true. Lets look at those statements that correctly show what they found ( Numbers 13:21-29, 32-33):
• They found a barren desert.
• They found a fertile land with grapes and figs and other fruits.
• They found a land flowing with milk and honey.
• They found cities surrounded by large protective walls.
• They found that the land was occupied by people who were very friendly and who would gladly give them the land.
• They found that the land was occupied by the Hittites, the Jebusites, the Amorites and other heathen people.
• They found great giants in the land.
From the biblical account , majority of the Israelites saw challenges that could stop them from entering the promise land. (Numbers 14:4). Only two of the 12 spies (Joshua and Caleb) believed that God could bring them safely into the promised land (Numbers 14:6-8). Those who were filled with doubt and unbelief (Numbers 14:26-35) could not enter the promised land,The giants they saw and challenges make them lose everything when they arrive in the land even when God had promised the Israelites as the owner of the land, however the younger generation (and also Caleb and Joshua) did enter the promised land under the leadership of Moses' successor, Joshua( Joshua chapter 3) (Numbers 13:30). Two men could see the exact same sights - the same grapes, the same men, the same land, the same cities - one can come away singing in faith, and the other is filled with a sense of certain doom. Ultimately, faith or unbelief does not spring from circumstances or environment, but from our hearts, which God must change
THERE ARE MANY PROMISES OF GOD FOR US, I SEE MANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR US ,But as our vissions unfolds there will be giants—challenges, irritations, trials, seeming impossibilities. We would be tempted to look to ourselves, our weakness and give up but lets focus on the opportunities, on God, on Jesus, focus on his promises, and each one of us can live a life—a full life—like Caleb’s and Joshua’s. we can possess our land in  “We can certainly do it!” (Numbers 13:30). In Jesus Name,Amen