
Showing posts with label true grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true grace. Show all posts

Sunday 30 July 2017


Grace is powerful and active. It is not passive or reactive in the least. Grace is proactive. Grace is Jesus Christ living his life in you.Grace  is the  power    and  the life  of  God  manifesting  in us.

I've come to realize this, that it's not grace that causes passivity in people but actually just   poor understanding  of  GRACE.   Perverted grace  says do  nothing…  its  says  you  can't  do anything...  if  God  is  not  doing  it  then...he  is  not  doing  it...God  will  put  food  in  your  mouth....if you  don't   forgive  then  GOD  does't want you  to forgive.....   that  is  false  GRACE..Perverted grace  creates room for passivity, in the sense that one is passive in   everything.

PROACTIVE grace  says  God  IS  AT  WORK  IN  ME
. Grace shows us how much gold is there and awakens a desire to live in it.  No longer  will you  try and earn Gods love, acceptance, favor, blessings or avoid his curse, punishment and disapproval, now it's because you know him and love him and have faith in him and your new nature is full of him and awakened! You discover that anything less than all of heaven manifesting all around you is unacceptable, since you are a royal priest and a mighty child of God with full authority and rights to a great inheritance.   

Grace awakens your  spirit  man….  You know  that  living  a  dirty  life  is  unacceptable ….  There  is  no  room   for  swimming  in ocean  of evil.   For GOD  IS AT  WITH YOU.   Passive grace  is    a dead  grace…  proactive   is grace  is a living  Grace
James: Faith without works is dead. Don’t tell me you have faith if the way you live doesn’t back up what you say. (James 2:17–18)
John: Love without deeds is dead. Don’t tell me you love if the way you live doesn’t back up what you say. (1 John 3:17–18)
Paul: Grace without holiness is dead. Don’t tell me you revel in God’s grace if the way you live doesn’t back up what you say. (Romans 6:12–14)
Jesus: Discipleship without obedience is dead. Don’t tell me I’m your Lord if the way you live doesn’t back up what you say. (Matthew 7:21)
Jesus calls us to believe (Mark 1:15; 9:23). For Jesus, believing is never mere intellectual assent to a creed. It always implies and requires action. James’s statement that faith without works is dead is backed up by the entire Bible. If you believe God, you will do what he says (Matthew 7:21; John 14:15).
Jesus calls us to follow him (John 10:27). Following Jesus is a life of pursuit of Jesus. It is a call to renounce everything (Luke 14:33). Yes, everything. We keep nothing from Jesus, and what we have, we receive from him and steward for him. We are not our own; we are his (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). Our lives become an active seeking of Christ’s kingdom ahead of everything else (Matthew 6:33).

Jesus calls us to receive this grace by exercising faith — by making behavioral demands on us. He does this because (1) our behaviors are the external demonstrations of our true internal desires, and (2) our behaviors themselves become a means of sanctifying grace. “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them” (John 13:17). Holy habits actually work to deepen our beliefs, increase our affections, and intensify our desires.

In an age of paralyzing complexity, we  need  to  live a simple life   by  believing    and   acting on the word  of  GOD.  Grace  is  sweet….   Grace  is proactive …grace is eternal