
Thursday 18 December 2014

By the finger of God-Warfare Prayers part 2

By the finger of God,The blood of Jesus Christ,the power of the Holy spirit, the Apostolic unction.

I affirm and prophesy successful  endeavors, amazing breakthroughs over my business. In Jesus Name,Amen.

 I employ the host  the  heavens to war against the host of  darkness that would stand on my way to  success and the fulfillment of my dreams

 I command the earth to open it’s mouth  and swallow the powers of my enemies

I bind and rebuke every spirit of jealousy,envy,agitations,vexations,instigation that devil will throw from those close or far from me

 I employ the angelic host  to pursue and overtake  the enemies of my breakthrough, let them turn back  and  let all their effort against  me be  incapacitated, let their evil dealing return to  them double fold .

By  the finger of God, let the entryways of business opportunities open for me ; morning, evening and nighttime. 

Let the serving spirits (God's Angels) go forward and accumulate wealth  unto  me  for the sake of  the kingdom of God

Let all  my  business plans and a purpose prosper
As the year is coming to an end, May God's generous blessings be bestowed upon me, so that I  become a blessing to others

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

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