
Wednesday 22 November 2017


In the   Name of Jesus   I am open, receptive   and responsive to the supernatural flow of   God’s   Blessing   and abundance.

  I receive from heaven the magnatic power that attracts  wealth   and  abundance, supernatural breakthrough, favour   and  unlimited possibilities.

In  the  name of Jesus, I decree   and declare  that  doubt, unbelief    and procrastination   has been deleted  from   my life forever.
I decree that opportunities and possibilities  for my  dreams   to actualized  are  endless.

I claim my   covenant right in God  to live my dreams   and  accomplish   my mission  on earth.

In the name of Jesus, it is my    birthright   to live the life   of abundance   and     bountiful   blessing   therefore I live   and breathe    the will   and purpose   of God for my life

In the  name  of Jesus, I  tuned  into the  essence   of abundance,  I   speak  victories    and prosperity  into existence

I terminate, delete   and eliminate fear out  of my life
I terminate, delete   and eliminate   doubt and unbelief out of my life
I terminate, delete   and eliminate   procrastination   and unbelief out  of my life

I terminate, delete   and eliminate    lack and poverty out  of my life
I am determined, focused  and committed  to  pursuing  my dreams ,goals  and  visions .
 I am not responsive to distraction
I am blessed with Devine  wisdom  to fully comprehend  and  understand  the  things of  God, for  the secrets  things belongs to   God   and  he reveals  them to his servants

In the name  of Jesus, I have access  to  the  riches  of my inheritance  in Christ Jesus

Every veil  of ignorance  is removed  from  me …I   have  the  understanding  and access  to my covenant right 
In the name  of Jesus, my  seed  is sown  on a good   ground, it will  bring  forth  fruit  hundred  fold

In the  name  of  Jesus, I will  have  enough   to lend  to people   but  will not borrow.  The lord  will open  unto  me the treasures     of  heaven to pour down down  his blessing  upon me. In the name   of Jesus, I call  heaven   to handle all my financial tractions

In the Name of Jesus, I am not  responsive  to  useless  endeavor in Jesus  Name.
Every satanic deposit  in my business, my career  be  destroyed  in Jesus Name
Every darkness  covering  my business, my finances, my breakthrough   disappear  by fire  in Jesus, Name

Lord open my  spiritual eyes    to see  business  opportunities  in Jesus  Name.

Lord lead me to   a place  of providence, prosperity  and supernatural  abundance
I want to go forward with you. Lord, lead me  to  the right  direction.  Connect me  to those  who  are connected  to my  breakthrough
I possess all my prosperities , in the name of Jesus.

I paralyze completely all satanic transactions and contracts against  my success , in the name of Jesus.

Every evil force against my career.   my  business, be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.

Let the spirit of favor fall upon me now, in the n

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