
Showing posts with label prayer for financial assistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer for financial assistance. Show all posts

Friday 17 April 2020

Prayers For Urgent Financial Help (1)

I decree and prophesy that someone will assist me to meet my financial needs in Jesus name

Lord please send someone to assist me financially right now.

Because my life in hidden in Christ Jesus and the word of God dwell richly in me ,whatever I ask or wish is given to me John 15:7 NIV.

God will send someone to minister financial blessings to me

Therefor Now in the name of Jesus, I command those that God has assigned to bless me to begin to do thier work.

Let me recieve financial blessings from them in the name of Jesus.

Father in the name of Jesus let my helpers begin to locate mem

And as they locate me let them begin to bless me financially

  I command my hidden finances, my wealth, my riches, money to begin to locate me.

Father let me not lack anything because you possess every thing.

Every thing belongs to you and I have faith that you will meet all my financial needs and the needs of others around me.

  I do not lack any good thing because the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want!

In the name of Jesus, every one that God has assigned to bless financially ,hear the word of the Lord, begin to locate me now!

In the name of Jesus I command my finances to begin to speak for me.

My money, where ever I go, begin to locate me in the name of Jesus.

I decree and prophesy I will live my life this season above all the negativity around me… I live above the financial scarcity that is prevelent in the society.

I live above economic hardship,scarcity and lack

For God shall send people from the four corners of earth to bless me financially. I receive my financial blessings right Now in Jesus name.

Mabrig Korie

Prayers For Urgent Financial Help (2)

Dear God, I have come before you now to ask for a financial blessing to help me in my life.

Father I ask that you send people into my life who will bless me financially.

Father I have a strong faith that you will provide what I need and what the people I love need.

Father I need some financial assistance from people I know and those I don't even know to meet my financiall needs this season.

Please Father send me financial miracle so that I can meet my needs and those under my care

 Please give me a financial miracle so that I can do your work. I will spread the love you have for me onto others if given a chance. Amen.

Father God, I have an abundance of needs and I do not know how I am going to overcome it without a miracle from you

 Please, God, I'm asking that you send people to me who will assist me financially

. Please forgive me, for spending carelessly in the past.

Father guide me to making good financial decisions through my journey in life. Amen.

Mabrig Korie