
Thursday 20 April 2017


LORD, Your angels ascend and descend upon my life; for You have given Your angels charge over me to deliver me in the name of Jesus (Gen. 28:12; Ps.91:11)

The angel of the LORD chases and persecutes my enemies in the name of Jesus (Psa. 35:5, 6)

Your angels fight for me in the heavens against principalities and powers in the name of Jesus (Dan. 10:13)

The angel of Your presence saves me and goes before me to make the crooked places straight in the name of Jesus (Isa. 63:9; Zech.12:8)

LORD, thank You for sending Your angels to minister to me and before me to prosper my way in the name of Jesus (Matt.4:11; Exod. 33:2)

LORD, hear my voice and send Your angels to deliver me from the hand of the enemy in the name of Jesus (Num. 20:16; Matt. 12:11)

I have come to Zion; to an innumerable company of angels; LORD, thank You, You confess me before Your Holy Angels (Heb. 12:22; Luke 12:8)

I am an heir of salvation, LORD, send Your angels to minister to me by day and in the night in the name of Jesus (Heb. 1:14; Acts 27:23)

Your angels meet me as I walk in my destiny in the name of Jesus (Gen. 32:1)

LORD, I send out Your angels to be involved in reaching the lost; to gather them in the name of Jesus (Acts 8:26; Matt. 13:41)

LORD, You have sent Your angels to smite the demons that come to destroy me, my family, ministry, and church in the name of Jesus (Isa. 37:36)

I Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this angelic assistance.

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