
Monday 24 July 2017


Lord Jesus, according to Your word in Psalm 32:7 we declare that You are our hiding place.  You sing songs of deliverance over us and sing for joy.

Lord Jesus, we declare that according to Psalm 71:2.  You have bent down and heard the cries of Your people for deliverance.  Because of Your righteousness, You have rescued Your people and given them a way of escape from their enemies.

Father, we declare that according to Psalm 50:15, You are the One who is glorified as You deliver Your people, in Jesus name.

Father, we declare in Jesus name, as it is written in Colossians 1:13 that You have delivered Your people out of the control and dominion of the kingdom of darkness and transferred them into the Kingdom of the Son whom You love.

Father, we declare according to Luke 4:18 that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, within us, and surrounds us – enabling us to preach the good news of the Gospel in power.  You have anointed us to release the captives; to help those that are blind to recover their sight; and to deliver those who are oppressed, downtrodden, bruised, crushed and broken down by calamity.

Holy Spirit, we declare according to Luke 13:12 that those that have struggled and been oppressed are delivered NOW from their sickness and infirmity, in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, according to Joshua 10:7,8 that the enemies of God have been delivered into our hand in Jesus name.

Father, we ask that You rebuke Satan, the accuser of the brethren according to Zechariah 3:2-4.

Father, according to Psalm 149:1-3 that tonight we will sing a new song of praise to You.  Pour out Your Spirit, O Lord, that we might delight Your heart and be filled with fresh joy as we worship our King together, in Jesus name.

Father, we declare that the high praises of God are in our mouth and the two-edged sword in our hand, according to Psalm 149:6-9.  We declare that demonic princes are bound in the name of the Lord Jesus, and judgment has been executed, setting the captives free in Jesus name.

We declare according to Revelation 3:8 that God has opened a door for us that no man can shut, in Jesus name.
We declare as it is written in Isaiah 45:2 that God has gone before us to level the mountains, break the gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron and that the doors You have for us are open in Jesus name.

We declare according to Acts 16:25-26 that the prison doors are open and the prisoners are set free in Jesus name.

We declare a release of forgiveness over the people of this land and geographic region, according to Micah 7:18, for You O God have pardoned our iniquity.

We declare that people will no longer be in bondage to Fear, but we speak a release of the Spirit of Adoption over this geographic region, according to Romans 8:15.  We declare a release of the Holy Spirit to shed the revelation of the Fatherhood of God into people’s hearts, freeing them from the lies and spirit of abandonment, in Jesus name.
We declare an outpouring of Your love and mercy according to Ephesians 2:4-7, for You O God love us with a great love and You are rich in mercy.

We declare a release of compassion and forgiveness, according to James 2:13 for it is written that mercy triumphs over judgment.

We declare people in this geographic region endeavor to keep unity in the Spirit and are bonded together with a spirit of peace, according to Ephesians 4:3.
We declare that what was once divided and separate is now joined together in a bond of unity, according to Ezekiel 37:15-28.

We declare Your people are made willing in the day of Your power, O Lord, to act in accordance with Your will, to display mercy, compassion, forgiveness, generosity and unity according to Judges 5:2 and Psalm 110:3.

We declare that the breaker anointing leads the way and leads Your people out of confinement in the day of Your power, according to Micah 2:13.

We declare that the stage has been set to bring about family restoration. We declare that relationships that have been broken are supernaturally healed now in Jesus name, according to Genesis 45:1-7.

We declare that You are a healer of sorrows, according to Isaiah 53:4,5, and by Your stripes Your people are healed, in Jesus name.

We declare that You, Lord Jesus, were crushed so that we could be made whole, according to Isaiah 53:10, Isaiah 53:5.

We declare according to Psalm 142:7 that you have set people free from their prison so that they may praise you, in Jesus name.
We declare a release of the Spirit of Truth over this land and all it’s people, according to John 8:32-37 and that according to Your word people have received revelation that has made them free, in Jesus name.

We declare that the enemy’s magic charms that he has used to ensnare people and put their souls in cages has been torn from his arms.  In Jesus name we declare that people have been taken out of the enemy’s hands.  

We declare that the veil has been torn away from their eyes and they will no longer fall prey to the enemy’s power.  The souls that have been in confinement like caged birds have now been set free according to Ezekiel 13:20-21.

We declare that You have revived us again so that we may rejoice in You, according to Psalm 85:6.

We declare that people have turned back to you and called on Your name, and You have revived them, according to Psalm 80:18.

We declare that You have brought us out of trouble and distress and revived our Spirit, according to Psalm 71:20.

We declare that You have stretched forth Your hand against our enemies and delivered us from trouble, reviving our Spirit, according to Psalm 138:7.
We declare that Your word has revived us according to Psalm 119:50.
We declare that Your people remember Your precepts and are revived, according to Psalm 119:93.

We declare that Your people are delivered our from under the shadow of death and from their afflictions.  Their yoke is broken and they are revived according to Your word, in Psalm 119:107 and Psalm 107:14-16.

We declare You have heard the cries of the afflicted and because of Your lovingkindness You have revived the Spirit of Your people, according to Psalm 119:149.
According to Ezekiel 37:9-10 we call for the breath of God to come and raise up those that have been slain. Let the breath of God come and revive and restore and raise them up as an exceedingly great army, in Jesus name.

We declare according to Ezekiel 37:16 that the Lord and His Holy Spirit have healed what was broken and raised up a people that are renewed and revived in heart, mind, soul and spirit.

We declare a oneness and a spirit of unity among Your people, O God according to John 17:21,22.

We declare that people will believe in You through our message, according to John 17:20.

We declare that You have made Your servants into flames of fire, according to Hebrews 1:7.

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