
Friday 17 April 2020

Daily Prayers For Miracles And Breakthrough

To live a triumphant life, you must speak victory- the word of God over and over in your life and over your situation.

Whatever you want to see to manifest in your life should be declared through the spoken word-through prayers and confessions, if want to receive financial miracle or provision ,you can declare Philippians 4:19, “God will provide all of my needs.” If you need a healing, declare Isaiah 53:5, “By His stripes I am already healed.” When you speak the word of God over your situation, you are reminding God his promises and God honors his word.

The Bible says in Isaiah 55:11, that God’s Word will never return void. The book of Numbers 23:19, tells us that God is not a man that He shall lie; so if He says it, it will come to pass. It is the will of God for you to prosper in all things and be in good health . God want you to succeed and live a victories Christian life. God desires to give you abundant life through his son Jesus Christ.

He desire to empower and prosper you so that your life becomes a testimony of his goodness and Glory. The bible tell us in (Ps. 84:11). That “God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly”

The following prayers are based on the promises of God in his word, pray and say them over and over in your life and watch God perform wonders in your life

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1. Father God open the windows of heaven and pour down your blessing on me.

2. Father let me receive my blessings.

3. Let my blessings in the spiritual realm manifest in the physical realm.

4. Father connect me to the source of my break through.

5. Let me receive unexpected financial blessings.

6. Let me receive my miracle.

7. Today I declare my season for miracle . This is my set time for unmerited favor in Jesus Name.

8. Today His blessings will chase me down and overtake me in Jesus name.

9. Angels will ascend and descend according the words of my mouth.

10. I declare in the name of Jesus that every obstacles and stumbling block in my path shall turn to stepping stone for my breakthrough. And blessings

11. I receive my open heaven for doors of abundance and unlimited possibilities in the name of Jesus

12. Father  in the name of Jesus I believe you for a miracle money , I receive my miracle money in Jesus name.

13. In the name of Jesus, I declare that I will prosper in all things just as my soul prospers

14. In the name of Jesus I declare that I prosper physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually

15. I declare, the same spirit that raise Christ from death rest and abides in me. In Christ I live, move and have all things patterning to life and godliness

16. I uproot every demonic plantations from the pit of hell working tirelessly against my destiny, blessings and breakthrough in Jesus name.

17. I declare I’m a covered under the blood of Jesus

18. I speak the word of God to my body and proclaim that sickness has no place in my body because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I’ve been bought with a price, therefore my body must honor God. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

19. In the name of Jesus, I declare I live in abundance

20. In Jesus name, I command my gates to be opened always, so that people may bring me the wealth of the nations.

21. In the name of Jesus, I command my gift to open doors unto me and brings me before Kings and noble men. (Proverbs 18:16)

22. In the name of Jesus , let my clients and customers prefer me, because the favour of God is upon me.

23. In name of Jesus, I possesses my possessions, I claim the promises of God over my life and I live in dominion for it is my heritage in Christ Jesus! Amen.

24. I declare in the name of Jesus that I live in victory and prosperity all the days of life. The favor and blessings of God follows me everywhere I go.

These are my declarations in Jesus name
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