
Showing posts with label Early morning prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Early morning prayer. Show all posts

Monday 25 May 2020

Morning Prayers For Breakthrough (1)

Thank me father for my grace,mercy and favour upon me and my family members. 
Father God, I thank you for peaceful night sleep, for my protection and guidance through our the night.

    I declare in the name of Jesus, today will mark a new beginning of better things and marvellous manifestation of the grace, mercy and favour of the Almighty upon my life and  myentire family in Jesus name.

    As me set out today I decree breakthrough will be my portion physically, spiritually, economically and in every area of my life In Jesus Name.
  In the name of Jesus   I declare that everything that God has created will cooperate with my destiny today and usher me and my family into breakthrough. the power of the most high that grants and leads to breakthrough will work in me will work for me,will work with me and will work against all my enemies today and forever in Jesus name.

  Everyone I  come in contact with today shall be used by God for my breakthrough,progress and success

   In the name of Jesus, I decree that people  shall go out of their way today to help, assist and support me.Destiny helper shall surround me and do the needful. 
Today, I pray that God will saturate my life and family will enough blessings.

I declare that I will never lack,doors of mercy, favour and abundance shall be open unto me and my family permanently in the mighty name of Jesus.
From today, I will begin to experience dynamic breakthrough in my business and job. My spouse will experience breakthrough in business and health.
In the name of Jesus, I declare breakthrough for my family members: my children shall experience breakthrough in their studies and shall Succeed gallantly and gloriously. My children shall be successful in business and careers in Jesus Name.

    Those that are working to disgrace me shall fall and grope in darkness In Jesus name. Their evil plans against me is twarted and destroyed in Jesus name.  

I declare the as the Almighty God openly disgraced Haman in the book of Esther 6,all my enemies shall be publicly disgraced in Jesus name.

    By the power of the Holy ghost I decree all my good desires over my life, family,wife, husband, сhildren,my job and my loved ones shall come to pass this season in the mighty name of Jesus.

My going out today is blessed, my coming in shall be full of testimony. No evil will come near me nor my family I cover myself all with the blood of Jesus and holy ghost fire.

The Lord shall be with me, his blessings shall overtake me today and told will enjoy the abundances of heaven in Jesus mighty name.Amen

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Sunday 8 July 2018

Morning Prayer and Declarations

It’s the dawning of a new day a day of victory & glory
I am the light shining in a dark place
I shine as the stars in the universe--- in a crooked and depraved generation.
A new day is upon me.. I will arise and shine!
As the morning star arises in my hearts bringing light causing all darkness to flee… the world will come to my light and the brightness of my rising will attract kings and highly placed people to me!
The life and light of God in me lightens up the lives of those around me!
The light of God in me produces a positive life changing result in my generation!
The world awaits my manifestation, therefore I manifest greater works and show forth the glory of God!
I declare that I’m a victor over every circumstance I encounter this day.
The Lord goes before me this day and makes every crooked path straightened.
This day I’m not disadvantaged because everything works together to my advantage.
This day men see me and recognize whose I am as I exude God’s favor, light, blessings, mercy, goodness, wisdom and grace.
This day I run and I’m not weary; I walk and do not faint; I have the strength of an eagle and carry out my business/work this day with ease.
This day as I trust in the Lord, He directs my path
He leads me in the right way!
He orders my step towards greatness!
Even though I walk through challenges and difficulties, I have overcome!
Whatever platform others have been denied access to, or could not step up to. I gain access to and I step up to that platform.
My head is anointed with the oil and fragrance of heaven, therefore I attract favor, blessings, opportunities and other good things.
Surely I shall experience God’s goodness and mercy every day of my life. culled from the book #Morningprayerforchampions by Mabrig Korie, 

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Early Morning Prayer and Declaration

Dear Lord
Father  God, thank you   for  the beginning of a new day.
As the world is renewed fresh and clean, so I ask You to renew my heart with Your strength and purpose.
Forgive me the   mistakes of yesterday and bless me to walk closer in Your way today.
This is the day I begin my life anew; shine through me so that every person I meet may feel Your presence in me. Amen.
This is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. God’s mercy and grace are new every morning in my life
I rejoice because I am God’s child. I have been filled with His Spirit. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. The Holy Spirit is bigger than any problem, obstacle, or challenge. The Holy Spirit will give me wisdom and discernment regarding every decision I need to make today.
When I acknowledge God through prayer and worship, my steps are ordered and directed of Him. The Lord gives me wisdom and insight concerning all the affairs of my life.

I choose to be a blessing to all those around me.
No matter what happens today, I know God will see me through. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and if God is for me then no one can be against me.

I choose to honor God today by the words I speak; I will honor God by the way I act. I will honor God by allowing His love, light, and truth to shine through me.

I am the head and not the tail; I am above and not beneath. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Christ Jesus. He always causes me to triumph. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Today is going to be a great day!
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22,23

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Tuesday 28 February 2017


1.     Thank You, Father, for watching over my family and over me throughout the night. Thank You for giving your angels charge over us, in the name of Jesus (Psalm 91:11; 121:3).
2.     I worship You and give You all the glory, in Jesus’ name (Psalm 29:2).
3.     Lord, hear my prayer this morning in Jesus’ name (Psalm 55:17).
4.     I rise  today  with  Glory  and  the favor  of  God  upon  my  life
5.     Let the light  of  God overshadow  the darkness  of  the  Enemy
6.     I dismantle every  plan  of  the evil  one  against  my  life
7.     I  pull down  every wall  of  hindrances  to my progress
8.     I  decree  and  declare  that  I shall  never  be  partaker of  evil  of  today
9.     I come against  every distractions  that would  make  me to  loss focus
10.                        Lord  today  as  I  walk in my destiny let  your  angels  descend  and  descend  upon  my life
11.                        Guide  me, protect  me   and  shine your light  upon my life.
12.                        Give   me  the  grace,  strength   and courage  to do  what  is  required  of  me  today
13.                        Grant me a cheerful spirit to  face  the challenges  of  today
14.                        Grant   the  wisdom  and  the strength to face  the challenges  of  Today
15.                        Lord fulfill  your  purpose  in my  life today
16.                        In   name of    Jesus  I  command  every gate  of  blessings  and  favor  to  open  for  me
17.                        Today the floodgate  of  heaven  shall  open  upon  my  life
18.                        The  blessing  of  God  shall  overtake  me
19.                        The  glory  of  god  will  cover  me
20.                        I  shall  walk  in  victory  over  the  enemy
21.                        every plan  of  the  devil against   me  is  destroyed  from it  its  roots
22.                        Today, whatever I bind let it be bound, in Jesus’ name; whatever I loose, let it be loosed, in the name of Jesus (Matthew 18:18).
23.                        I call forth my blessing from the north, from the south, from the east, and from the west, in the name of Jesus (2 Corinthians 9:6).
24.                        Today  I walk in favor with God and man, and I will possess all the land God has given me.
25.                        Every man and every woman whom  I  will  come  in contact  with  shall be blessed
26.                        This is the  day  the  lord  has  made   and  I  will   rejoice   and  be  glad  in it.